Lee Terbosic, known as The Pittsburgh Magician, joins a select few as he returns to chat with the Drinking Partners in this follow-up episode. Mr. Terbosic, a nationally touring comedian and magician, brings his wildly entertaining show, Bamboozled, to Dave and Busters (Pittsburgh) each Saturday night. Despite Ed’s attempts to convince Lee to reveal some illusionary secrets, the magician deftly declines, although he does suggest that Ed must first purchase both a rabbit and a hat. Shortly after, Mr. Terbosic explains to Day that he needs more than “strong ankles” to be able to master Michael Jackson’s Smooth Criminal movements. The interview is one of the Drinking Partner’s best, balanced with information, amusement, and, of course, some classic Drinking Partner craziness. Be sure to have this on repeat play, especially once Mr. Terbosic begins to beguile Ed and Day with mentalist tricks, leaving both comedians ready to intern with The Pittsburgh Magician.