Tom Marshall from Full Pint Brewing, creators of the Drinking Partners-inspired, cognac-based Hundo ale, joins Ed and Day in the studio with special guest Chris Boles from Redfish Bowl, a Pittsburgh-based art collective that unites artists across mediums and showcases the diverse art scene. The two have teamed up for Living Color, a collaboration beer that provides financial support to local artists. The interview offers an in-depth discussion that craft beer lovers will appreciate, from brewing to marketing, and all steps in between. As with most Drinking Partners podcasts, the conversation often diverges, touching upon subjects that are political and personal, legal and illegal, yet wholly focused on community initiatives. In the closing minutes, the men get reflective, calmly and profoundly speaking about national affairs and events with a contagious optimism. Both Hundo and Living Color are currently available from Full Pint Brewing.