In an extraordinary live event from Boom Concepts in Pittsburgh, the Drinking Partners are joined by Brian Burley – author of the newly released YNGBLKPGH, a book featuring black professionals from the community – and Thomas Agnew, owner and co-founder of Boom Concepts and Jenisis Magazine. The event celebrated the conclusion of a gallery showing with a brunch provided by Sweet Little Eats and Wine & Words Pittsburgh before the Drinking Partners chatted with Mr. Burley and Mr. Agnew. What follows is a comprehensive conversation centered on community and success, and how interwoven the two must be, which is an integral element in YNGBLKPGH. A question and answer session is highlighted toward the latter half, with an active and engaged examination ensuing. In the closing minutes, an impassioned discussion allows listeners to laugh and consider, from the importance of networking and supporting new concepts and ventures to the salmon shade of Day’s pants. To learn more about YNGBLKPGH and Brian Burley, visit and Boom Concepts at